All Canadians know that winter is a time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful winter weather. From ice fishing to snowmobiling there are so many outdoor activities that can be enjoyed all season long. When you want to make the most of the Canadian winter, you’ll need to ensure you have the best outdoor recreational gear available. The experts at Kalinowski Power have you covered for all your snowmobile gear needs.

At Kalinowski Power Recreational Parts & Apparel, we know how important it is to have the warmest and safest snowmobile gear. That’s why we only stock the best available snowmobile safety gear and snowmobile accessories. We stock kids, men’s and women’s snowmobile gear and are sure to have the perfect gear for you.

Oxford's Merino Socks will keep your feet comfortable on long rides and their compression fit will reduce cramp and circulatory problems.

Key Features
  • Highly moisture wicking and breathable
  • Arch and ankle compression fit to aid circulation on long rides and help combat cramp
  • Cushioned heel and toe
  • 62% merino wool
Category Name
Riding Gear
Sale Type
Oxford Products
Manufacturer Qty
Kimpex Parts & Accessories
Contact Information

 Contact Information

Kalinowski Power

#056413 Conc 12
Desboro   Ontario , N0H 1K0




Do you carry women’s snowmobile boots?

We know that keeping your feet warm and dry is one of the most important things to consider while snowmobiling. We offer a selection of women’s snowmobiling boots to ensure you stay protected and dry all winter long.

Do you carry snowmobile helmets?

We carry snowmobile helmets for everyone. We only stock trusted brands that you can rely on for safety and performance. See our womens snowmobile helmet options and choose the perfect one for your needs today.

Do you carry snowmobile pants?

In order to stay warm while snowmobiling, you need to stay covered from head to toe. We stock a selection of mens and womens snowmobile pants to help you stay warm and protected all day long.

Why Choose Kalinowski Power?

At Kalinowski Power, we are dedicated to providing you with the best snowmobile gear to meet your performance needs. We only stock brands we love because we love snowmobiling too. If you are looking to update your snowmobile gear, view our inventory today.