Canadian winters mean serious cold, but also serious fun too. When you are outside in the winter there is nothing you want more than to keep warm and have a blast while doing it. That is why we carry a variety of snowmobile apparel to keep you covered while you hit the trails. From the best snowmobile boots to the warmest snowmobile clothing, we have everything you need to stay warm from head to toe while snowmobiling.
Choose from our selection of outdoor gear to keep you warm without sacrificing functionality. We know you love to push winter fun to the limits, so we stay stocked with the best snowmobile apparel to keep you outdoors longer.
Made of remarkably soft leather, the new CKX gloves offer you the comfort and warmth you need to enjoy your long winter rides.
100% leather
Textured leather palm reinforcement
Brushed polyester knit lining
Waterproof membrane
Primaloft Silver® insulation 120 g on the back of the hand
Primaloft Gold® insulation 60 g on palm
Elastic cuff
Long cuff with snow guard adjustment cord
Goggle wiper on left index finger
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